Facebook Marketing Some Concepts

Facebook Marketing Some Concepts

Nowadays everyone is interested in running a business by an online store. And to increase the popularity of online stores, social media marketing is essential to reach shoppers. Social media marketing in Bangladesh means Facebook-based marketing is still more common and effective. However, YouTube and Google Plus will also have a good impact in the future. 

I will talk about Facebook first.

From my experience, I have given some guidelines on how to advance your brand marketing and brand reputation through Facebook.

I give in the form of points so that it is convenient to understand.

Page Building:

Create a page for your brand. Here are some things to keep in mind when creating pages:

1. Try to keep the page name in one letter. If the brand name is in two letters, keep it in two letters. Do not add any lines in the page name to indicate the brand. Wrong: SoujanyaBazar - Online Store Correct: SoujanyaBazar

2. If the name of the page is two words added together, but the first letter of the two words in capital letters. Wrong: Ptohomalo Correct: Prothom Alo

3. In the case of online stores, if the name of your website represents your store product, name the page with the store's web address. For example SoujanyaBazar.com

4. The user name of the page must be with the keyword of the original name of the brand. E.g. facebook.com/SoujanyaBazar. In this case, also keep the format clear.

And if it is not available, you can add the word BD at the end. Remember username branding is very important.

1. Be sure to include your brand logo as a profile picture. And if it is an online store, you will add the site address below the logo.

2. Cover photos are very important. This is a completely free place for your marketing. Make a beautiful banner. Design a cover photo and put it in a concept that will represent your brand in a few words. Design so that there are links to other social profiles including your web address. And yes, don't leave the cover photo description blank. Include a brief description along with the address of your web store.

3. Page About is also important here. Write something that will give you a good idea about your store in a few words. Everyone will see this as soon as they enter the page. The mistake that can easily get your claim denied is to fail. Don't make this mistake, no one will call to know about your brand, they will be interested to call only if they get a basic idea about the brand.

4. Write all the information neatly in the page info. If the page info is empty, many people will not think of your brand as a stable brand. Write beautifully about your product or service.

Note: Never invite your friends to the page without doing the above. In this way, friends will come to the page and will be annoyed without seeing anything good.

Page Marketing:

Not to mention some free marketing,

Everything you have done in Page Building, cover photos, logos, details, etc., you have already laid the foundation for marketing. Now it's the turn of running marketing.

1. After building a page like a guide line above, first send an invitation to everyone on your friend list. Oh yes, before that gives a status from the page, of brand launching or brand page launching. Welcome to all the fans. Anyone who visits the page will be interested in liking the page. Also, tag the page from your profile and give it a status, the brand that launched the page J

2. Engaging page fans are very important in terms of branding and marketing. Remember, some of these fans are but your buyers or consumers. Try to post 2-5 times a day. Here are some tips and tricks for posting:

3. When posting, focus more on photo posts than text posts. Visuals attract more fans than text.

4.  In the case of a text post, make a visual image by writing the main subject or line of the text. Also add your branding to the image, i.e. the logo and link of the page.

5. The correct time to submit any post is 9am to 12pm, 2pm to 4pm, 6pm to 7pm, 8pm to 9pm, and 11pm to 12pm. During these times, more users are active on Facebook.

6. Refrain from sharing pictures or posts on other pages. If that post is not written or created by the page itself, download it or share it in your own language.

7. Don't post anything irrelevant to your brand.

8. Language standard must be used for posting n. It is important to have a professional attitude in writing. Remember that this page represents the standard, so do not post in any way thinking of your own profile.

9. If you have an e-store, share pictures of your brand's good and attractive products on page 2-3 times a day. The description must include a brief description of the product, the price, and how to order. Give the product link. And yes, for all links, if the link is large, use "bit.ly" to shorten the link. Add a page link and brand logo to each image.

10. Give various occasional posts, such as a day like 21st February, someone's birthday related to your brand industry, congratulations on the country's victory in various sports, etc. In this case, also use the picture, the description will be written.

11. A small bed at least once a month.

Next Article We are talking about more concepts 

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